Tiger Assistance Program


What is TAP?
The Tiger Assistance Program is our district's version of Pennsylvania's Student Assistance Program (SAP). TAP is a way to use school resources to remove barriers to learning.

Who is on TAP?
TAP is group of trained employees who work in the school with liaisons from community alcohol and drug and mental health agencies.  SAP team members identify problems and make recommendations to assist the student and the parent.  The SAP team will assist the parent and student so they may access services within the community.  The student assistance team members do not diagnose, treat or refer to treatment; but they may refer for a screening or an assessment for treatment.

How does it work?
There are four phases:

1. Referral - Anyone can refer a student to SAP when they are concerned about someone’s behavior. The students themselves can even go directly to the SAP team to ask for help.  The SAP team contacts the parent for permission to proceed with the SAP process. You can access the referral HERE!

2. Team Planning – The SAP team gathers information about the student and discusses the data collected.  With the help of the student, parent, and TAP team a plan is created. 

3. Intervention and Recommendations – The plan is put into action, while in linking the student to in-school and/or community-based services and activities.   If necessary, the team might recommend a drug and alcohol or mental health assessment. 

4. Support and Follow-Up – The SAP team continues to work with and support the student and their family.  Follow-up includes monitoring, mentoring, and motivating for academic success. 

What are the parents' rights?
It is the parents' right to be involved in the process and to have full access to all school records under the applicable state and federal laws and regulations.  Involvement of parents in all phases of the student assistance program underscores the parents’ role and responsibility in the decision–making process affecting their children’s education and is key to the successful resolution of problems.

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